Title: Blind Eyes Chapter: Prologue A Authors: Dragons of the Moon Contact: Apollymi and Katsuko Word count: 168
Bakura: Hatred was easy when you had a reason.
Sure, there would be those in the Pharaoh's court who believed that all of the thief's hatred resulted from the death of his family, the destruction of Kura Eruna. Yes, he did resent the royal family for that, but now that he knew his beloved younger sister was alive and safe he could rest easy in some aspects.
No, his hatred was more personal. His hatred was focused solely on that damned Atem. For every pain that he put him through, Bakura would pay him back tenfold.
The thief turned his horse and eyes towards the remains of Kuru Eruna. There he would find the means for his vengeance, in the souls and rage of those who lingered in the place of their murder. There he would make a pact with the darkness his village had kept locked away for centuries. There he would invite Zork into himself for the sole purpose of revenge.
Atem would pay with his life.
posted @ 6:49 PM
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