Music:// Kamelot - Feast of the Vainblogged by Apollymi @ 4:12 PM 0 comments
blogged by Apollymi @ 9:45 AM 0 comments
Just a little update here. I really wish I had more to say, but there isn't a lot to say. This is where DotM stories start diverging.
Up until now, all the DotM stories have been Yuugiou-based. That is soon to change. We're taking up a new fandom: Supernatural. No promises on when the stories will be up, but there will be a new story at least every 6 weeks.
At this time, we are planning on continuing some or most of the YGO stories, notably "Blind Eyes".
Also, you may have noticed the new layout. Also, this updates section has moved to Blogger. Much easier to update -- Yay!
blogged by Apollymi @ 6:35 PM 0 comments
A few small updates on the site here and there. "Souvenirs" now has the correct information as far as story titles go. A new story was added to the listing: "Memento Mori", but no content is available for it yet. Both "Souvenirs" and "Memento Mori" will most likely be the DotM stories for the 2007 Yuugiou Slash Novella Challenge. We're also planning individual entries for it so bear with us.
We're hoping for updates on the other DotM stories soon, but again, bear with us.
blogged by Apollymi @ 6:42 PM 0 comments
Not a lot to report on the site, except... "Aquarius" Section 1 is finally linked from this page. I've also been doing a bit of work on the DotM blog, trying to make sure all the archive links work -- which they all do now!! And there is now also finally a button to use to link to the site... so please do! Share the love!
However, where stories come in is another matter. Despite the three ongoing bits of our insanity, DotM has decided to try to enter the 2006 Yuugiou Slash Novella Challenge as a team as well as separately. Given the rules of the contest, there's not a lot I can tell, but expect Bakura/Kaiba and Jyonouchi/Ryou -- and, oddly, het. I'm thinking the title will likely be "Souvenirs", with three parts: "Third Chance", "Red is a Slow Color", and "Almost a Dance".
The DotM novella takes second priority to our two individual novellas, though, so if it's not finished by 15 December 2006 (the challenge deadline), then it'll just start being updated directly to the website here.
blogged by Apollymi @ 11:14 AM 0 comments
Nothing really to report site-wise, but I wanted to check in and let our readers know that we haven't abandoned these stories. Both Katsuko and I are involved in the Yuugiou Slash Novella Challenge 2006, and we haven't been able to write on our 'for fun' stories as much. The challenge deadline is 15 December, so after that we'll start to work getting more available for everyone to read. Please bear with us till then!
blogged by Apollymi @ 4:00 PM 0 comments
I got bored in the middle of the work day and changed out the layout on the DotM blog. It's not a huge change, but I'm rather proud of accomplishing it in only a few hours, doing all the coding with Notepad.
blogged by Apollymi @ 9:49 PM 0 comments